Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Praise be to God! Aaron's late term abortion mill - CLOSING on June 28, 2008!!!

Dallas, Texas: Late-term abortion facility to close. Mass of Thanksgiving and Prayer Service Scheduled for Saturday, June 28

Aaron Women's Health Center, a late-term abortion facility in Dallas located at 6546 LBJ Freeway, will be closing due to eminent domain acquisition for the widening of LBJ. Aaron's was one of three abortion clinics in Texas authorized to perform late-term abortions when they upgraded their facilities in early 2005 to be in compliance with new state regulations requiring "ambulatory surgical center" status to perform abortions on unborn babies older than 16 weeks' gestation.

Members of the Catholic Pro-Life Committee, the Respect Life Ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, maintained a constant presence of peaceful prayer and sidewalk counseling in front of Aaron’s for over a decade.

Dallas organizers were the second group in the nation to undertake the 40 Days for Life campaign in 2004. Aaron's was the site of that effort from December 12, 2004, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn, to January 22, 2005, anniversary of the tragic Roe vs. Wade decision, when it was remodeling to do late-term abortions.

During the first 40 Days Vigil, a 24 hour a day/7 day a week ecumenical effort was organized and more than 900 people from 89 churches and several denominations prayed and fasted for an end to the killing of babies inside the clinic. The Catholic Pro-Life Committee participated in the National 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil in the Fall of 2007 with a vigil outside of Planned Parenthood, and plans to hold 40 Days for Life Vigils at two Dallas locations this Fall in conjunction with the national campaign. The Christian community of McKinney is also planning to participate in a Fall 2008 40 Days for Life vigil at the newly opened Planned Parenthood Express.

The last day for abortion appointments at Aaron's is Saturday, June 28.

"We thank God that Dallas - and North Texas - will no longer be the home of a late-term abortion facility. We thank God for the many lives that will be saved and mothers and fathers spared the agony and regret of abortion with the closing of Aaron's. We stand ready to offer help and healing to those who have made the abortion decision at Aaron's or any other abortion facilities. We mourn the tremendous loss of so many thousands of innocent human lives, and we'll continue to pray and work towards the day when Dallas is an abortion-free city and the blood of innocent unborn children is no longer shed here." says Karen Garnet from the CPLC in Dallas.

Bishop Kevin Farrell of the Diocese of Dallas said, "This is the best news I've heard all week," and expressed his personal gratitude to everyone who has offered prayers and sacrifices for an end to the killing. There were 13 abortion clinics in Dallas In 1990 when Bishop Charles Grahmann arrived and began leading a monthly "Second Saturday Rosary" outside Dallas abortion clinics. Seven clinics closed between 1990-2001, the last being A Choice for Women in May of 2001. After Aaron's closes, there will remain five freestanding abortion clinics in Dallas, where the Catholic Pro-Life Committee and others will continue to pray and offer alternatives to abortion.

A Mass of Thanksgiving for the closing of Aaron's will be celebrated by Rev. Msgr. Mark Seitz at 8:00 am on Saturday, June 28, at St. Rita Catholic Church, located at 12521 Inwood Rd., Dallas. St. Rita was the location of the opening Mass and kickoff rally for the 40 Days Vigil held in 2004-05. Following Mass we will take buses to Aaron's for a closing prayer service and then return to St. Rita Sweeney Hall for a reception. As they did for the opening of the 40 Days Vigil in December 2004, special guests Shawn and Marilisa Carney from the National 40 Days for Life office in Bryan will be joining us for this Saturday's prayer and thanksgiving services. All are invited to attend

Monday, June 16, 2008

1st day of vigil

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Today was our first official day of vigil in front of the Planned Parenthood Express! Thank you all for coming together to make this vigil possible. Thank you for answering the call to pray as a united Body of Christ. St. Michael Catholic church started off the day with 8 disciples vigilantly praying! Due to the efforts of our dedicated volunteers we were able to put Christ centered educational information into at least 4 hands today! I don't know the exact number because I was not there for the last shift. Tomorrow St Gabriel has done an incredible job of signing up volunteers to come pray!

There are a few areas that I need to bring everyone attention to:

Please remember to sign in when you arrive. We are doing this mainly to be sure that everyone who participates has signed the statement of peace. Of course, we also would like to know how many people have participated at the end of the vigil. If you have not signed a statement of peace before you arrive - there are plenty of blanks in 'the box'. All the documents are clearly labeled inside 'the box'. All information will be kept COMPLETELY confidential, and will not be sold/distributed to anyone. The only use for the names and contact information is for the vigil use and HOPE resource center.

I have left a journal on site in 'the box' so anyone can make notes and see others notes from previous days & times. Prayer intentions can also be added to the journal.

I will try to get a small sunscreen into 'the box' tomorrow. In case it disappears - I suggest everyone bring sunscreen. I did not use sunscreen today - and I was under the canopy all day - and I have a pretty bad sunburn on my face and scalp. I would not want this to happen to anyone else, so let's protect ourselves.

Water & Restrooms are available in the Nail Salon for any vigil volunteer!

Remember to park away from the front of the businesses.

Saturday, June 21 - PPE CLOSED - we need a group or individuals to commit to pray for a couple of hours
Monday, June 23 - We need coverage at the PPE from noon - 5 PM
Wednesday, June 25 -PPE CLOSED - we need a group or individuals to commit to pray for a couple of hours
JULY 4th - clinic closed - but we still need commitments to pray at home
Saturday, July 5th PPE CLOSED - we need a group or individuals to commit to pray for a couple of hours
Tuesday, July 8 th - We need coverage at the PPE from Noon - 7 PM
Friday, July 11 - PPE CLOSED - we need a group or individuals to commit to pray for a couple of hours
Friday, July 18 - We need coverage at the PPE from 10 AM to 6 PM
Monday, July 21 - We need coverage at the PPE from 10 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday, July 22 - We need coverage at the PPE from Noon -- 7 PM
Wednesday, July 23 - PPE CLOSED - we need a group or individuals to commit to pray for a couple of hours
Friday, July 25 - PPE CLOSED - we need a group or individuals to commit to pray for a couple of hours

Call or email me if you have an questions. Thank you for praying!!!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What if his people prayed!!

What if His people prayed
By Casting Crowns

What if the armies of the Lord
Picked up and dusted off their swords
Vowed to set the captives free
and not let satan have one more

What if the church, for heaven's sake
Finally stepped up to the plate
Took a stand on God's promise
And stormed hell's rusty gates

What if His people prayed
And those who bare His name
Would humbly seek His face
And turn from their own way

And what would happen if we prayed
For those raised up to lead the way
Then maybe kids in school could prey
And unborn children see light of day

What if the life that we pursue
Came from a hunger for the truth
What if the family turned to Jesus
Stopped asking Oprah what to do


He said that they would hear
His promise has been made
He'll answer loud and clear
If only we would pray

If My people called by My name
If they'll humble themselves and pray
If My people called by My name
If they'll humble themselves and pray


What if His people prayed

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

PPE open house notes:

PPE open house vigil notes:

Thank you to all of our prayer warriors - those who came to be a public witness and those who were praying from home and work today!

We had many small victories today.
o A young woman drove by the PPE and it was obvious to several of the volunteers that she wanted to go into the PPE. However she looked at the 12 Christians who were standing and praying in front of the PPE and she drove in a circle then drove away.
o 2 other young women came into the PPE and we were able to give me information when they left the PPE, and told them that we would be praying for them. Please pray for them : their names are Carissa and Lauren
o The Planned Parenthood Express hired a security guard when they saw us there - this is a victory because this is an expense for them. Remember - they are a business with a bottom line. If they aren't making money they will close and go away!!!! The same security seemed sympathetic to us.
o Mr. Jim's pizza is owned by a Christian couple who agreed not to handout any PPE material. They are prolife and said if we need anything to mention that we are with the group of people praying to close the PPE and they will give us a discount.
o The Donut shop is owned by a prolife Christian as well! We have a huge communication barrier - if anyone can help us with this please let us know.
o The McKinney newspaper interviewed both Carol and myself - so maybe that will help us raise awareness that there is a group of Christ's faithful who are committed to shutting down this PPE.
o We had 12 Christians from 4 different churches who came today to pray as a united Body of Christ.
o The prayer vigil participants now have the support of EVERY store/vendor in the strip center with the exception of the Custom bath & countertop store. We have not been able to visit with the storeowner yet. I will keep trying.

Future hopes
o We need a Korean speaking translator to talk to the Donut shop owner
o We need to get every hour that is open for business covered by a prayer warrior

Final thoughts:
Matthew 18:20 _For wherever two or three are gathered in My name, there I AM in the midst of them. Today, we gathered, as Christ's faithful. Today, we prayed both together and separately. Today, Christ saw that although we have different ways of worshipping Him, and different ways of praying, - we also have common ground. We are united in our belief that Christ alone is our Lord and Savior. We are united in our belief that Christ does not wish for innocent unborn babies to be aborted. We are united in Christian love for each other. Today, we know that at least two young women were given educational materials, and they know we are praying for them.
While we were driving away from the PPE today we saw and man and a woman enter the shop. Historically, when a man and woman enter together - they are seeking information about abortion. We were unable to deliver Christ's message to that couple today. Though they are nameless to us, Christ knows who they are - please lift them up in your prayers! Today several people who had never been to a Planned Parenthood put aside their own fears and reservations to follow Christ into battle. Make no mistake - this is a battle. We have to be firmly rooted in Christ's love to keep our hands on his plow. Luke 9:62_Jesus said to him, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back [to the things behind] is fit for the kingdom of God. Though our enemy may be larger than us as individuals, we are capable, if it is Christ's will, of winning this battle! Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God.

We have a meeting Thursday June 5th at St Michael Catholic Church in McKinney @ 7 PM
Invite someone!!!

P.S. If any of you have time on your hands before the vigil officially starts and wants to go to the clinic during business hours we can try to coordinate and try to make sure no one goes alone - just call me or email me and give as much notice as possible.