Compare The messages of Planned Parenthood vs. the messages of HOPE Resource Center of McKinney.
Planned Parenthood says:Values free; individual decides right and wrong; secular humanist worldview.
Teen sexual promiscuity is inevitable.
“Safer-sex” practices should be used by teens to avoid STDs and pregnancy; condoms, contraceptives, and “outercourse” encouraged.*
“Lesbian, gay, bisexual and straight….All these sexual orientations are perfectly normal.”**
Easy access to birth control and emergency contraceptives is the way to reduce abortions.
Children are a burden if they aren't part of your plan; every child should be a wanted child; therefore if not wanted by the mother, abortion is perfectly acceptable. Women have control over life.
“Abortion is a very safe procedure. It’s about twice as safe as having your tonsils removed.”**
Serious long term emotional problems after abortion are rare; because abortion is a personal choice, neither right nor wrong, women should not feel guilty if they choose abortion.
HOPE stands for:Absolute truth based on Bible; God determines right and wrong; Christian world view.
Teens are capable of controlling their bodies and upholding moral standards.
Abstinence until marriage is the way for teens to avoid STDs and pregnancy; sexual purity honors the Lord and protects teens from physical, emotional and spiritual harm
God’s design for human sexuality is heterosexual, one man married to one woman for a lifetime.
Sexual integrity and respect for the sanctity of life is the way to reduce abortions.
Children are a blessing; every child IS a wanted child, if not by his birthmother, then certainly by a couple waiting to adopt; God has sovereign control over life.
Abortion has serious physical and emotional risks. Abortion kills a baby, created in the image of God; abortion harms women and men deeply.
Long term emotional pain is not uncommon after abortion; because abortion is sin, there are ramifications for the women and men involved; HOPE’s post-abortion support group and Bible study offers a biblical path to forgiveness and healing.
The following scripture reveals the tragic truth about the harmful message and agenda of PP:
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12
*outercourse refers to all sexual activity other than vaginal intercourse
** quotes taken directly from PP’s vulgar and explicit teen website,, that teaches the “art and science” of premarital sex.