Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who is Planned Parenthood?

Many of you are aware that Planned Parenthood Express opened in McKinney last month. We wanted to take this opportunity to be sure that you know who PP really is and what messages they send, especially to our children. Despite their claims that “no one does more to help women,” here are some facts you need to know.
• It’s about abortion: PP is America’s largest abortion provider, performing 289,750 abortions in 2006. That is 5,572 babies killed each week.*
• It’s about money: While PP is classified as a not-for-profit corporation, they reported an "excess of revenue over expenses" of $114.8 million for fiscal year 2006-2007.*
• It’s about YOUR money: PP’s most recent annual report shows that they received $336.7 million from taxpayers through government grants and contracts.* Your tax money is then used to sue the federal government over legislation that puts limits and regulations on abortion, like the ban on partial birth abortion and parental notice and consent laws. Your money supports their agenda.
• It’s about sex: They promote values free sexual education, which teaches teens that as long as you think you are ready for sex, then it’s OK. Their perverted sex ed breaks down natural inhibitions which leads to an increasing number of PP customers for birth control and abortion.

* Taken from PP’s most recent annual report:

Nationwide PP has an extremely powerful influence in schools and legislation. But praise be to God that He has provided another voice to our community—the voice of HOPE! Compare the messages of PP with the messages of HOPE Resource Center of McKinney.

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