Monday, July 21, 2008

World Premiere this Friday!!!

Registrations for the fall 40 Days for Life aren't even
half-way over, and ALREADY more cities are registered
than participated in the entire spring campaign!

For info, see:

*** And we just got word of an exciting development
that will help build on this momentum. ***

This Friday, a brand-new, world-premiere documentary
about 40 Days for Life -- filmed by an Emmy-award-
winning director -- will be airing in 128
million homes around the world!

It's the latest installment of "beingHUMAN," and it's
airing Friday on the EWTN global television network.

Watch previews:

Last fall, the first installment of this high quality,
documentary-style program, helped launch the first ever
national 40 Days for Life, and gained a "Telly Award"
for television excellence.

Now the second installment will air this Friday to help
launch the fall 40 Days for Life campaign.

This episode, "being HUMAN: 40 Days for Life II,"
interviews volunteers, national leaders, and former
abortionists on how 40 Days for Life is renewing hope
in communities across the nation.

It focuses on the stories and successes that prayer,
fasting, and peaceful vigil have accomplished through
40 Days for Life campaigns that have now spread across
the country and around the globe.

This show is a great opportunity to get people in your
community involved in this initiative.

Please spread the word to friends and family via email,
at your church using the pre-made bulletin inserts, and
encourage everyone you know to watch the show this
Friday, July 25, at 6:30 PM (Eastern).

Watch previews, see guests appearing on the show, and
download bulletin inserts:

WHAT: "being HUMAN: 40 Days for Life II"
DATE: Friday, July 25
TIME: 6:30 PM Eastern (3:30 PM Pacific)
WHERE: Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) --
available in most markets

God is SO good!

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